Mix and match the designs from the Domus Aurea Collection of Pompeian style stencils. These patterns derive from the villas, temples, theaters and baths of the seaside town destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in ad 79 and later stylized by their rediscovery of the Domus Aurea. Symmetry, ornament, and linear finesse define these stencils and each include an animal or floral motif.
For the "Candelabra" effect using this stencil, Panel Set C, uses the Pavone, Serpent, Vaso and Beaded Vines to create the vertical, ancient Roman decorative style of painting.
Watch this video of Nicola Vigini demonstrating venetian plaster stenciling.
Stencil Pattern Size: 10"W X 27"H
Stencil Page Size: 33 3/4"W x 12 3/4" H