Hand Painted Wallpaper
What's happening in the Palazzo Pazzo today?
Actually, it's what's happening at our client's palazzo in Olmos Park. Sometimes I pinch myself that I get to see such incredible beauty and museum quality pieces in homes that we work in and that clients love to share the provenance of their magnificent treasures. Art-historians have a way of finding each other and feeding each others souls.
Working on a referral from Michael Landrum, our favorite architect out of Houston and my high school classmate (please check out his website-amazing!), we created a hand painted "wallpaper-like" mural for our client.
The research is always the most fun-finding out what the client likes in terms of images and design. The trumpet vine spoke to her as did small birds with a monochromatic background. Trumpet vines are abundant around our studio.
Hummingbirds were then a must to fill in empty spaces.
Once we chose the birds, the tracing began.
Then the filling in.
The final look is so charming.